This story is a contemporary of Star Trek, the original series. It is set in the time and at the technology level of Captain Kirk and the original U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701. It is Star Trek Too, too meaning also. There was the original series of course, but this too is Star Trek – or will be if I achieve the lofty goal I have set for this effort. I mean to write a Star Trek story of my own without co-opting Gene Roddenberry’s characters or ship. This story has another purpose which will be revealed after this story is published in it’s entirety.
The original series Star Trek stories always had two stories in one episode. First and most obvious was the “western set in space” adventure, second was the deeper examination of some moral or social imperative that usually made you think and sometimes even kept you up at night. I’m trying very sincerely here to rise to that challenge with help from my family and friends who are named in the credits. I expect to need as many as a dozen more posts to tell this story completely – both stories I suppose – and the title will figure prominently in both story-lines.
I found the ship model on Sketch-fab and was deliriously happy to see how faithful it is to the original series TV show. My understanding is that it is royalty free as long as I’m producing non-interactive work (no games, etc). I will go back and attempt to produce a proper set of opening and closing credits once I get the story posted completely.
I was very careful to compile a list of all the most credible sources I could find to create a complete list of starships extant at the time of the original series and the animated series. Once that was done, I selected a hull number and ship name that were not used and settled on NCC-1702, U.S.S. Columbia. NOTE: In “The Menagerie” the Enterprise locates the source of a signal sent 12 years ago by a non-starfleet ship, SS Columbia, which was a research ship lost in some far-flung exploration. As a non-starfleet ship, it’s use of the name Columbia does not preclude the Federation using the name for one of it’s cruisers.
I don’t try to accommodate the changes Star Trek: Enterprise makes to the Star Trek timeline. TOS stands in-spite of ST:E, so does this story (STT). All other Star Trek spin-offs post-date TOS in the Star Trek universe thus presenting no canon conflict issues.
Please register and give feedback. I sincerely want feedback on all of it – costumes, characters, story, hook-value, scripting, anything you see or perceive that I might learn from and improve by. If I sent you an e-mail link to view this and you prefer not to create an account here, please send me your feedback by e-mail reply – I very much want your input. Thank you, all.

Here is the second installment! Again, please give all the feedback you feel moved to give, it will help me deliver a quality product!
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The next piece will take the story right up to where everyone is anxious for the ship to get to; the Neutral Zone border near the stranded freighter!
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Here’s the fourth part of the story. Ramage and Columbia have arrived at the border where SS Muletrain went astray and followed her path into the neutral zone. Let’s see if things go smoothly, shall we?
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OH NO! Pandemonium on the bridge! Everyone is freaking out because a situation new to this crew has happened – life or death. Not exactly, but close enough; they can surrender and survive or fight and be slaughtered because SOMEONE had the temerity to enter the neutral zone. To this stardate, Starfleet’s record when crossing the neutral zone is precisely,… 1 and 0. Ummm, wait, that’s actually not a bad record. But Columbia is ambushed and outnumbered. What’s that you say? Captain Ramage gave some specific precautionary orders like, “Plot every detail as we go,” and “Yellow alert before we get there,” and “I want all ideas, even negative ones, I don’t want to be surprised by something we could have anticipated.” True, he did. Will that be enough to make any difference?
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It appears the shooting has stopped – or has it?
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The final part of the story is here! All I have left is a set of proper credits.

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Look for more here including High Seas, coming soon!